Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Hello there! This is my second attempt at maintaining a blog for my photography. Note to self – back everything up. And know how to retrieve back up files, blogs, posts, etc. Just another lesson learned in this business venture I began a little over a year ago. I have always loved taking pictures and everything photography related and 3 years ago (shortly after the birth of my first daughter), I decided I would make it a goal to pursue my dream of making it my “job”. Along the path of classes and workshops and endless pictures of my daughter (and then my second daughter) and starting out with everyone who would let me practice on them, I feel that I have learned quite a bit. Of course, the learning is never done, there is always more to learn; more techniques, perfecting practices and finding your style. That is the part of the journey I am on now and am trying to rediscover my creative self in the process!
On a move from Phoenix to Charlotte last spring, all of my camera equipment was stolen by the movers. It took 4 months to replace and get the basics back and in that 4 months I kind of fell out of practice of shooting everything. So now my goal this year is to rebuild to where I was when I left Phoenix last year.
My first few posts will be some favorites in my transitions in the last year, and hopefully soon will be continuing with current sessions. Blogging was definitely not my strongest, but it’s on the list! Thanks for joining me!